4 Email Sequences That Can Help To Grow Your Wellness Business

As an email copywriter who specialises in email marketing for wellness coaches, nutritionists and therapists, there are a few email sequences that I recommend for most clients.

Welcome sequence 

Welcome emails can build a strong sense of connection with your new leads and help new subscribers (aka potential clients) to emotionally invest in you and your business. This is huge given that people are more likely to buy from another person, especially one that they know, like and trust.

But a welcome sequence doesn’t just build a relationship with your new subscribers. It also helps your wellness business to stand out from competitors in your niche - especially if they don’t have a strong welcome sequence in place yet and haven’t seen the obvious value in having one.

The main aim of a welcome sequence is to build this all-important connection and trust but that doesn’t mean that you can’t sell in it too.

In fact, you’re doing your potential clients a big disservice if you don’t let them know how they can move forwards with you if they’re ready to do so.

When you’re adding value, positioning yourself as an expert and building relationships in your welcome sequence, it’s a logical next step to share this info with your subscribers. And that includes your paid offers. It doesn’t have to be limited to free offers!

Here’s another way of looking at it.

Your welcome sequence should be a key part of your marketing/sales funnel. It doesn’t have to sit alone as purely a nurture tool and in truth, it can feel very disjointed if that’s the only role it’s playing for you.

Click here to buy my DIY welcome sequence templates.

Core offer sequence(s) 

Having a core sequence shapes the journey that your new subscribers go on after joining your list and crucially, the relationship you can build with them.

I recommend having at least one of these sequences as an utomated sequence. This can be a sales sequence but it can work better to sell from an angle that feels less sales-y. This can look like changing perspective/mindset through the sequence or using content to promote your offer(s) in an authentic way. 

Still not quite sure about the value of having a core offer sequence?

Picture it - A potential client joins your email list and moves through your welcome sequence.

And after that, they go through further sequences that help them to get to know you in more depth, along with your signature offer(s), and start to understand why they have certain problems and how that can change.

Isn’t that so much powerful than just getting a small handful of nurture emails and then going straight into your regular newsletters?

Before they ever get one of your regular emails, they’re fully warmed up on the what, the why and the how and some people will be ready to take action. For those that aren’t, you can continue to nurture with regular emails.

Click here to learn more about core automated sequences.

Content-led sequences 

Content-led sequences that have video, blogs or another piece of content as the basis can help you to promote your offer(s) without a hard sell. 

The content provides genuine value and as long as it’s closely tied to the theme of your offer, it acts as a qualifier. If a subscriber clicks to consume the content, you know they’re interested in the topic/theme. And that means they’re a lot more likely to become a client in the future. Because they’re getting real value, it feels less salesy. 

Rebook sequences after clients finish a package

Even when a package has come to an end, it doesn’t necessarily mean that a client can’t continue to be sold to. They may not be quite ready to go alone on their journey and be in the market for a few more sessions. Or they may want to return a few months down the line to get support as they continue to navigate their journey by themselves and need that accountability and guidance by this point.

A rebook sequence can happen at a set point down the line. But either way, it can be fully automated to encourage more sessions to be booked and is generally a few emails long.

You can buy my client rebooking templates in the copy shop here.

Want my help to put these sequences into place in your wellness business?

You can book me to write a particular sequence from scratch, book an audit of your current email marketing set-up to see where you can optimise it and which sequences I recommend you to put into place or book an email marketing strategy session to plan out a sequence so you can write it with confidence and clarity.

Ready to get started? Fill out this form as the first step.

The DIY Options

You can buy my welcome sequence, sales sequence and client rebooking templates in the copy shop.

Welcome sequence templates for wellness practitioners

Sales sequence templates for wellness practitioners

Client rebooking templates for wellness practitioners


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Can You Sell In Your Welcome Sequence?