Get clarity on how to grow your wellness business without the hustle and overwhelm

Bespoke copy and marketing strategy to get more clients and avoid the hustle and overwhelm

Growing your wellness business can feel exhausting - especially if your current strategy is mostly (or solely) based around Instagram Reels and being super visible on social media in general

You need a marketing plan that works for YOU (and not may not be one that relies heavily on social media to attract, nurture AND sell).

A strategic approach to marketing your wellness programme can help you to grow without the hustle and overwhelm and I’m here to help you use email marketing, evergreen funnels and blogs to make your marketing feel simpler and more streamlined.

You’ll have a concrete action plan to help you market your wellness business without having to work even harder or sacrifice your own wellbeing.

How it works:

We hop on Zoom and talk about your current marketing for your wellness business.

After our call, you receive a bespoke action plan with your next steps to implement your strategy.

Choose your strategy session:

60 min strategy session + action plan

Ideal for:

Email sequence strategy

Newsletters strategy

Blog strategy


90 min strategy session + action plan

Ideal for:

Evergreen funnel strategy

Overall email marketing strategy


What’s the difference between The Funnel Action Plan and The Fully Mapped Out Funnel?

The Fully Mapped Out Funnel breaks down the copy elements of your evergreen funnel in much more detail. The copy elements for your freebie, opt-in page and email sequences are mapped out email by email, giving you a detailed roadmap to work from when writing the copy elements  of your evergreen funnel. It also includes 28 days of email support as you implement your evergreen funnel.

The Funnel Action Plan is more basic and gives you the strategy for the evergreen funnel but not the full mapping out for each copy element. You’ll need to do more work to bring the copy elements together with this package and there’s no post-project email support.